06 - Working with Databases in Node.js


Databases play a crucial role in web applications by storing and retrieving data efficiently. Node.js supports both SQL (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL) and NoSQL (e.g., MongoDB) databases. This chapter covers connecting Node.js applications to databases, performing CRUD operations, and using an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) library.

1. Choosing a Database

There are two main types of databases:

SQL (Relational Databases)

  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLite

NoSQL (Non-Relational Databases)

  • MongoDB
  • Redis
  • Firebase

Choosing between SQL and NoSQL depends on your project’s requirements. SQL databases are structured, while NoSQL databases are flexible and scalable.

2. Connecting to a SQL Database (MySQL)

Install the MySQL package:

npm install mysql2

Example: Connecting to MySQL

const mysql = require("mysql2");

const connection = mysql.createConnection({
    host: "localhost",
    user: "root",
    password: "password",
    database: "testdb"

connection.connect(err => {
    if (err) throw err;
    console.log("Connected to MySQL database");

Executing a Query

connection.query("SELECT * FROM users", (err, results) => {
    if (err) throw err;

3. Connecting to a NoSQL Database (MongoDB)

MongoDB is a document-based NoSQL database. Install the MongoDB package:

npm install mongoose

Example: Connecting to MongoDB

const mongoose = require("mongoose");

mongoose.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/mydatabase", {
    useNewUrlParser: true,
    useUnifiedTopology: true
}).then(() => console.log("Connected to MongoDB"))
.catch(err => console.log(err));

4. Performing CRUD Operations

SQL CRUD Operations

Create (INSERT)

const sql = "INSERT INTO users (name, age) VALUES (?, ?)";
connection.query(sql, ["Alice", 25], (err, result) => {
    if (err) throw err;
    console.log("User added");


connection.query("SELECT * FROM users", (err, results) => {
    if (err) throw err;

Update (UPDATE)

const sql = "UPDATE users SET age = ? WHERE name = ?";
connection.query(sql, [30, "Alice"], (err, result) => {
    if (err) throw err;
    console.log("User updated");

Delete (DELETE)

const sql = "DELETE FROM users WHERE name = ?";
connection.query(sql, ["Alice"], (err, result) => {
    if (err) throw err;
    console.log("User deleted");

NoSQL CRUD Operations with MongoDB

Define a Schema and Model

const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    name: String,
    age: Number
const User = mongoose.model("User", userSchema);

Create a Document

const newUser = new User({ name: "Alice", age: 25 });
newUser.save().then(() => console.log("User added"));

Read Data

User.find().then(users => console.log(users));

Update Data

User.updateOne({ name: "Alice" }, { age: 30 }).then(() => console.log("User updated"));

Delete Data

User.deleteOne({ name: "Alice" }).then(() => console.log("User deleted"));

5. Using an ORM (Sequelize for SQL, Mongoose for NoSQL)

Using an ORM simplifies database interactions by abstracting SQL queries.

Sequelize (SQL ORM)

npm install sequelize mysql2

Defining a Model

const { Sequelize, DataTypes } = require("sequelize");
const sequelize = new Sequelize("testdb", "root", "password", { dialect: "mysql" });

const User = sequelize.define("User", {
    name: { type: DataTypes.STRING, allowNull: false },
    age: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER }

sequelize.sync().then(() => console.log("Database synced"));

Mongoose (NoSQL ORM)

npm install mongoose
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String, age: Number });
const User = mongoose.model("User", userSchema);

🏆 Exercises

  • 1. Connect to a MySQL database and create a users table.
  • 2. Insert a user into the MySQL database and retrieve the data.
  • 3. Connect to a MongoDB database and insert a document.
  • 4. Update and delete a user from both MySQL and MongoDB.
  • 5. Use an ORM like Sequelize or Mongoose to manage database interactions.


Node.js supports both SQL and NoSQL databases, and you can choose based on your project needs. We covered how to connect, perform CRUD operations, and use ORMs for database management. The next chapter will focus on authentication and security in Node.js applications.

NoFuture - A new way to learn it stuff


NoFuture Menthor - Cybersec Analyst

I'm Alice Snow, a cybersecurity professional with a passion for Blue Team operations, defensive security, and compliance. I focus on creating practical solutions to help organizations strengthen their security posture. I’m also involved in offensive CI/CD research and incident detection, always looking for ways to bridge the gap between security theory and real-world application.

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